Just Like Great Grandma Used to Make!
The fall season is one of my favorites as the leaves begin to change into a bold tapestry of amazing color! Now that pumpkins are in season, it's the perfect time to bake bread reminiscent of Great Grandma. There was nothing better as a kid than walking into grandma's after school and smelling the aroma of pumpkin bread baking in the oven. I couldn't wait for it to cool down and I could eat the whole loaf right then and there, much to her dismay! I have included her recipe in case you don't already have a favorite of your own!~ Grandma's Pumpkin Bread Recipe~

Was your Grandma like mine...never including instructions, just the ingredients, sometimes saying things like just add a "pinch" or use butter "the size of a walnut"? LOL!
For this recipe, I combine the dry ingredients in a separate bowl and then add them to the mixture of wet ingredients. I like to use my Pampered Chef large measuring bowl to mix all the ingredients so it's easier to divide the batter evenly and pour into the three loaf pans.
Happy Baking ...Enjoy!
#tuesdaytreasures #treasuredrecipes #pumpkinbread #figtreehomedecor #figtreetreasures