TREASURES FOR THE HEART 💗 for Personal Growth + Leadership
TREASURES FOR THE HOME 🏡 to Discover Your Style + Shop
What does HOME mean to you...?
Our Newest Arrivals...

THE STRENGTH TO SHIFT: 10 Inspiring Tales of Change and Transformation By Kelly Snider + Contributing Author Kelly Mariah

Looking at HOME with 2020 Vision
Our lives have been changed drastically due to Covid and that has impacted everything, especially HOME. We've had to rethink how we live, how we work, and how we interact with one another. We've had to get creative with our spaces to accomodate the demands of working remotely and online school assignments, while juggling our always changing schedules.
We've come face-to-face with the harsh reality that life is not all roses... but here at FIG TREE we believe in the power of HOME, because home truly is where your heart is.
Subscribe to my new blog, how2home, for DIY, Everyday Tips & Tricks, Recipes, Home Decor & more!
This Free Downloadable Wall Art design was created by FIG TREE for our friends at Love Never Gives Up - The Care Coalition: Connecting those in NEED with those who CARE.
Visit LoveNeverGivesUp.Com today and join the movement to help those who are struggling find help, hope, and healing!
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